For-Profit Colleges: The Dangers of Revenue-Motivated Education
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

For-Profit Colleges: The Dangers of Revenue-Motivated Education

Driven by profit motives, for-profit colleges have garnered significant attention – and skepticism – over the years. With for-profit education once again on the rise, let’s take a close look at how these schools work, the allure they have for students, and the dangers they present to our current higher education system.

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Why Is It So Difficult to Find a Primary Care Physician Right Now?
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

Why Is It So Difficult to Find a Primary Care Physician Right Now?

Since the start of the Covid pandemic, finding a primary care physician as a new patient has become frustratingly difficult. Even if you already have a doctor, securing an appointment can require waiting weeks or even months.

The United States is currently grappling with a shortage of primary care physicians, a problem that is projected to worsen in the coming years.

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A Practical Guide to Protecting Yourself Online
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

A Practical Guide to Protecting Yourself Online

In this article, we will explore the various ways in which your personal information can be compromised online, as well as the steps that you can take to keep your personal information safe. By following these tips and being mindful of your online activity, you can protect your personal information from potential threats and reduce your risk of falling victim to cybercrime.

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Social Benefits of a Community Garden
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

Social Benefits of a Community Garden

Participating in your community’s garden gives you control over your time spent planting and maintaining your part of the land, so you can truly enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor.

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Investing as a Socialist: Ethical Wealth Management
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

Investing as a Socialist: Ethical Wealth Management

It is possible to build a portfolio that is thoughtful, equitable, and prosperous. By making conscientious investment decisions, you can create a life you are content with, while making the world around you a better place.

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What is the Future of Private Education?
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

What is the Future of Private Education?

The next phase of global education has presented politicians, parents, and education leaders with a quagmire as we work to discover the most effective way to educate the world’s nearly two billion children.

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Have I Been Treating My Anxiety with Cannabis Wrong?
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

Have I Been Treating My Anxiety with Cannabis Wrong?

A common question I hear from people is “Can I use marijuana to treat my anxiety?”

Due to the wide variety in types of anxiety, as well as the types and potency of cannabis products and the way the individual reacts to them, this is a very complex question to answer. However, with a little research and some self examination, many users find that cannabis can help to address symptoms of anxiety.

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The Politics Behind the Decline of School Nutrition
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

The Politics Behind the Decline of School Nutrition

Educating children while they are young about the importance of eating well, including knowing the source of their food and the advantages of a natural diet, can prevent them from making the poor choices that can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a range of other health issues now and later in life.

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The Worst Car I Ever Loved
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

The Worst Car I Ever Loved

I was already driving my dream car when I bought the BMW that would repeatedly impact my life for the next decade.

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Impostor Syndrome and the Copywriter
Jeffrey Stamberger Jeffrey Stamberger

Impostor Syndrome and the Copywriter

Do you ever feel like you don’t deserve your job? That you aren’t as skilled or as creative as other writers – as “real” writers? You aren’t alone.

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