For-Profit Colleges: The Dangers of Revenue-Motivated Education
Driven by profit motives, for-profit colleges have garnered significant attention – and skepticism – over the years. With for-profit education once again on the rise, let’s take a close look at how these schools work, the allure they have for students, and the dangers they present to our current higher education system.
The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Education: Balancing Benefits and Challenges to Ensure Student Success
Education has evolved significantly over the years, adapting to new technology, the limits of a traditional campus, and the changing needs of students. One of the recent developments in education is the rise of hybrid courses, which combine elements of in-person classes with online learning.
What is the Future of Private Education?
The next phase of global education has presented politicians, parents, and education leaders with a quagmire as we work to discover the most effective way to educate the world’s nearly two billion children.
How Self-Efficacy in the Classroom Creates Successful Students
Self-efficacy, often defined as the ability to independently set and accomplish goals, is critical to student success in the classroom, as well as later in life.
The Politics Behind the Decline of School Nutrition
Educating children while they are young about the importance of eating well, including knowing the source of their food and the advantages of a natural diet, can prevent them from making the poor choices that can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a range of other health issues now and later in life.
How Makerspaces Increase Creativity and Promote Innovation in the Classroom
Makerspaces increase problem solving skills in students, tap into STEM academic areas, and support innovation and creativity.
Can Communication and Emotional Learning Create Better Classrooms?
Confident communication and social awareness can lead to a more pleasant and effective classroom for both students and their teachers.